Review Policy

Currently I am NOT accepting any review requests.

Thanks for stopping by and reading my review policy! I am thrilled that you would take the time to see what types of books I enjoy, and how I go about writing my reviews.

What you will find:

My reviews generally consist of my overall thoughts on the book itself, and at times can be rather “stream of consciousness”. I take notes as I read in order to point out things I liked or didn’t, and I occasionally include favorite quotes (making note if the quotes come from an uncorrected proof). I tend to focus on the characters: their motivations, their actions, and their feelings. I am not afraid to point out if I didn’t like something, but I try to do so in a professional way. Any critiques I make are as constructive as possible, but I want to point out that I’m writing these reviews for other readers, not the authors.

I like to find the good in everything I read, and try to include both things I enjoyed and things I didn’t necessarily like. My reviews will always be honest; I try extremely hard not to bash anyone, and always stay away from making comments on the author’s themselves. If I enjoy a book, it will be apparent from the review; the same can be said if I end up not liking a book. You can see my reviews HERE. Please take a look at them. If you believe my style would suit your needs, read on to see my specifications.

What I read:

  • YA/MG literature
  • Romance
  • Historical fiction
  • Holocaust studies/memoirs

I don’t mind reviewing self-published books, but please email me first with a detailed pitch so I can decide if your title is a good fit for me. I will accept both print and e-galleys (please do not send PDFs), preferably ones formatted to work with a Kindle. Please allow up to 48 hours for a response.

NOTE: Due to my insanely busy work schedule, I am not accepting any review requests, unless I have previously worked with you. I am not sure when I will begin accepting new requests; I simply don’t have the time your book deserves with everything else I’ve already agreed to read via NetGalley/Edelweiss as well as the books for my current challenges. However, I would be happy to do a promotional post for you! Please email me if you would be interested in this, and we can get something worked out.

What I don’t read:

  • Inspirational/religious titles
  • Erotica
  • Self-help
  • Children’s picture/chapter books, unless the book is considered MG

Review Details:

I try to review all items received in a timely manner, but please understand that reading is not the only thing I do. I cannot guarantee a review by a specific date, but will generally try to get a book read and reviewed by its release date, or a little after. If you’re looking for a set deadline for a review, I am probably not your girl. Generally I will try to get your title read within a month of receipt, and my reviews will be posted to Amazon, Goodreads, LibraryThing and Shelfari. I will never post a review earlier than a month prior to its release.

All reviews will include the book cover, the title/author/publisher information, and the synopsis (copied from Goodreads). I also include links to Goodreads and Amazon, and a rating (see my rating scale HERE). If a book trailer has been created for the title, I will include that as well. If you’d like to provide me with anything else to include with the review, please feel free!

Other Info:

I am available to host Blog Tours and giveaways, so if you’re interested in having me take part in anything of this sort, please email me! I’d be happy to help out.

Sound good? Then contact me!

If all of this suits your needs, then please, by all means, drop me an email! You can email me at readandreviewed [at] gmail [dot] com.

UPDATED as of 11/6/13.

Thanks for visiting! I love receiving comments and do my best to respond to all of them. However, due to time constraints, this blog is now an award and tag free zone. I really appreciate the thought, but just don't have the time to pass them on.