Top Ten Book Covers I Wish I Could Redesign


Okay, so I’m taking a bit of a different approach to today’s Top Ten Tuesday post. We’re supposed to be talking about the ten covers we wish we could redesign, but I was having a LOT of trouble with that. So instead, you get two topics: covers I wish I could redesign and covers I wish HADN’T been redesigned. Because some of the original covers were so perfect that the redesigns just make me want to cry!


unspoken1) Unspoken by Sarah Rees Brennan
WHY?! Why go from something iconic and beautiful and wonderful to something so damn generic?

bornwicked2) Born Wicked by Jessica Spotswood
While her dress is too short for the time period of the book, I just feel like it evokes the feelings and atmosphere SO much better than the redesign.

artofwishing3) The Art of Wishing by Lindsay Ribar
This cover is so darn cute and fits the mood of the book perfectly! And yet, for some reason Penguin decided that this was just the better way to go. Ugh.

belladonna4) Belladonna by Fiona Paul
This cover never even hit bookshelves. Instead, it was replaced by THIS. Penguin strikes again!

fury5) Fury by Elizabeth Miles
Another book to lose its amazing cover and go the more generic route. The redesign is particularly reminiscent of the Delirium books, which is probably what they were going for. At least the UK got to keep the gorgeous covers!

infinitesky infiniteskyus
6) Infinite Sky by C.J. Flood
One of these things is not like the other! Look at that AMAZING UK cover! And then look at what the US is going to get instead. Epic failure! So much so that I bought the UK version from Amazon UK because I couldn’t handle being stuck with the soon-to-be-released US version.


destinysfire7) Destiny’s Fire by Trisha Wolfe
This book has something to do with Egyptian Mythology, but you’d never guess that from this cover. Her pose is just really strange, and the pink fire across the bottom unnecessary. I’m just really not a fan of this cover at all!

minstersdaughter8) The Minister’s Daughter by Julie Hearn
This one isn’t really bad, but I’m not really a fan of the color scheme. The hardcover version is much nicer to look at.

requiem9) Requiem by Lauren Oliver
Delirium and Pandemonium weren’t too bad, but this one is just … ugly. There’s something weird about her face, or maybe it’s the fall of her hair. I dunno, but whatever it is, I’m not a fan.

stoneofdestiny10) Stone of Destiny by Laura Howard
Could the cover model be standing any further in the flowers? The whole thing just looks awkward and weird, although I do like the color scheme used. Just a really bad photoshopping fail.

So those were my ten fail-tastic covers! Which ones did you choose this week? Please link me!


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21 Responses to Top Ten Book Covers I Wish I Could Redesign

  1. Katie says:

    I TOTALLY agree about Born Wicked. I loved, loved, LOVED the original cover, and the new cover is lame! And you’re right about Requiem. Her face looks weird. I don’t like it as much as the Delirium cover.

  2. Briana says:

    I loved the original Born Wicked cover, as well, and am quite disappointed the rest of the series won’t match. The redesign isn’t terrible, but it obviously has a different feel.

    I’ve never been a fan of the Delirium covers. Somehow, having a huge faces on the covers is a little scary–and it’s not very original. The covers don’t reveal much about the stories, and they don’t particularly shout “dystopian.”

  3. I’m not a fan of redesign in the Delirium series. I liked the old Delirium cover better and wish they would’ve stuck to that concept.

    Aly @ My Heart Hearts BooksMy TTT

  4. ChrissiReads says:

    I hate it when the covers of a series, doesn’t show how awesome the book is inside! Great choices.

  5. I liked the original Delirium cover with the aqua. That was so much better than the girl’s face with fall flowers next to it. And The Art of Wishing… WHY???? That new thing is so hideous. I can see why you didn’t post it on the page here.

    My TTT

    • Merin says:

      Haha, I was going to post the original cover right next to the redesigned one, but putting them side by side just reinforced how upset I was about the changes in the first place. :-P

  6. Great list! Completely agree about Unspoken, you had such a pretty cover in the US but the redesign is just as bad as the awful UK cover. I wish they would at least try to match covers with what’s actually going on inside the book more often than they do but that’s probably too much to ask.

  7. Cee says:

    I was soo angry when Unspoken was redesigned. Silhouettes are awesome! It gives the book a more gothic feeling which I loved. Why change something that’s already gorgeous?

  8. angelicreader says:

    Unspoken really did have such a beautiful cover. Modernizing isn’t always a good thing. The new cover just looks cheap.
    My TTT

  9. Krista Davis says:

    The Born Wicked redesign is SO utterly disappointing. I’m with you – the original was so beautiful and compelling.

    TTT @ Krista’s Dust Jacket

  10. The redesigns are just disappointing. I love the original ones more, especially for Delirium!

    My TTT :)

  11. Brittany says:

    I LOVED the original cover of Born Wicked! I don’t hate the new one, but I think the original was so much better!
    I agree about Requiem. It just looks…. Odd. And I don’t get what’s up with the foliage.

    • Merin says:

      Yes, the flowers just don’t make sense on any of the covers. I was thinking that maybe they were explained in the books – which I haven’t read – but I’ve heard from others that they aren’t, so I don’t get why they felt the need to put the flowers there. It’s just weird.

  12. I hate when they redesign book covers, but make them 10x worse than there originals! It actually annoys me. My TTT.

  13. I definitely love the UK version of Infinite Sky, but I don’t mind the US version. It’s not on the same level as the UK one, though.
    Check out my TTT list:

  14. Yeah I wasn’t a fan of the Requiem cover either!

    Check out Our TTT

    Doris @ OABR

  15. caitlinstern says:

    That last one is especially odd. It’s like the flowers are eating her, and she’s resigned to her fate. o.O

  16. Lisa says:

    Oh wow, I love the red cover for Unspoken way more than the other one. Blah. That new cover for Belladonna is super lame too. I’m not very crazy about either, but the new one ruins it for me. I probably wouldn’t pick it up.
    Anyway, I would be okay with a complete redesign of the Delirium books. I don’t like the girl’s face over the covers. I find it awkward.

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