Feature & Follow Friday #1

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I’ve never done one of these before, but I liked today’s question, so what better time to join in on the Feature & Follow fun?

NOTE: I don’t have a preference in terms of how you follow me. Linky Followers, RSS feed or email all work just fine! And if you have a WordPress blog, I’d love it if you’d use the follow feature up at the top left-hand corner. :)

Question: Happy Father’s Day! Who is your favorite dad character in a book and why? 

While I wouldn’t want this dad for myself (the whole absentee father thing and whatnot), I can’t help but think it would be massively cool to be Percy Jackson and have Poseidon for a dad! While Poseidon is pretty much nonexistent for the first 12 years of Percy’s life, he does try to make up for the fact that he’s been gone once it’s revealed that he is indeed Percy’s dad. I mean, he gives Percy awesome gifts (a sword that masquerades as a pen! a cool fountain so he can keep in touch with his family!), and also provides him that moral support when Percy is struggling with what has to be done. Plus, being a child of Poseidon means you’re a kick-ass fighter, and really good with horses, which might just result in you picking up a pet Pegasus! Not to mention the array of abilities that Percy develops as the books progress. While you might not win any points with your teachers for the dyslexia and ADHD that are part of the demigod birthright, being able to swim in an ocean without having to surface for air (not to mention not having to fear the underwater critters!) and visiting your dad’s underwater palace would definitely make up for that.

As for the not-so-shallow things, I just really loved how Poseidon and Percy’s relationship grew in the books, and how he was there for Percy even when he wasn’t actually in front of him. Their interactions and conversations are seriously some of my favorite parts of the books: Poseidon might not be able to be with Percy every single day like most “perfect” dads, but he does his best with his lot in life and who he is, and definitely loves his son. “You, Percy, are my favorite son,” indeed! ♥

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21 Responses to Feature & Follow Friday #1

  1. I keep meaning to start the Percy Jackson series but end up picking up some other book instead. I really need to set my mind to checking out the books because I’ve heard they’re amazing.

    Old Linky follower. :)

    • Merin says:

      I would definitely recommend them! I don’t like to pick a favorite book, but if I had to, these would definitely be up there on the list. Percy is a fabulous narrator!

  2. Great well explained answer! I never did get around to reading the Percy Jackson books.

    My follow friday. Please visit!

    • Merin says:

      I adore the Percy books, so I’m not really the most unbiased recommender, but I think you’d like Percy’s narration. He’s first-rate. Thanks for stopping by! :)

  3. New follower, I love Percy Jackson looking through everybody’s answers makes me remember all the one’s I totally forgot.
    Thanks for stopping by and the follow

    • Merin says:

      This was the first F&F question that I didn’t struggle with (one of the reasons I put off this meme for so long was that the questions were always too hard!), but I know what you mean about forgetting people! Some of the answers I’ve seen have been really great. Thanks for the follow! :)

  4. Candace says:

    I’ve only read the first Percy book so I haven’t gotten to know Poseidon but I look forward to it! Following you via linky and on twitter! Thanks for stopping by!

    • Merin says:

      Thanks for the follow! You don’t really get to know Poseidon too well until the third book, and some of my favorite conversations in the entire series happen in the fourth. I just really love Percy, LOL. :)

  5. Patti Smith says:

    I haven’t read the Percy Jackson series either…there’s so much in YA that I’ve missed out on over the last few years. I really need to catch up :) Following you through Networked Blogs.

  6. Loved these books. Agree it would be cool to a point. Thanks for stopping by, following back.

    • Merin says:

      The abilities and whatnot would be totally awesome, but living under a constant threat of violence, not so much. :) Thanks for the follow!

  7. daniela says:

    I love this series, and even thought I wouldn’t want Poseidon as a father either, he’s still a cool choice.
    New Follower
    Here’s my FF: http://yabookseasons.blogspot.com/2012/06/follow-friday-is-meme-hosted-by.html

    • Merin says:

      Yes, the abilities would be ridiculously cool to have, but the constant threat of violence and death, not so much. :-P Thanks for stopping by, and for the follow! :)

  8. Pingback: Stacking the Shelves #7 | Read and Reviewed

  9. Hi, Hopping through, I agree with your choice, I am following now with Linkys. Here is my FF Post

  10. Ninette says:

    Following via Twitter! I’m more active there anyway, and I can’t wait to check out your site!

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